Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Monday, September 23, 2013

Making Soup Stock

Making soup stock is always a big process.  We start with tomatoes from the garden.  (Several buckets full.)

This year, Ethan was chief tomato washer (splasher, waterfall maker, tomato describer, etc.)

I usually inspect them and hack them up and put them in pans to cook.

Then we run the soft, cooked tomatoes through the Victorio strainer.  Levi was the main "cranker" this year.  Alana took some turns, too.

When the pan under the seive got full, we dumped it into large pots which we would eventually heat up on the stove once all the ingredients were added.  We add green peppers, onions, celery from the garden (has a stonger flavor than store celery) and carrots to the soup stock.  We bring it to a boil, put it into jars and then pressure cook it for around a half hour.  It's a big job, but rewarding when accomplished. 
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The Gang

Here are my four.
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Saturday, August 31, 2013

That time of year again...

I actually joined them in going back to school this year!  I'm teaching kindgarten afternoons four days a week.
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Each spring we never know what the people that rent the field behind our house will plant.  This year it was these turban gourds.  Crazy shape, but pretty colors!
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This is what I woke up to...

...this morning. Love these moments!!  So sweet.
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What's bloomin'?

Here's a peek into what's blooming around my yard.
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Saturday, June 15, 2013

Do Not Leave Unattended!

John let the soaker hose run a while to water the beets and carrots he planted along side the garage. Little Miss was also unatttened to, and took full advantage of the mud/sludge mix that resulted.  When discovered she declared, "So messy!  D'ess aw duh-ty!  Need bath!"
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Wednesday, June 5, 2013

And the babes turns 2!

She chose s'getti for supper, and she got to use the special red plate since she was the birthday girl.

She sat in her special birthday chair.

After supper she opened her presents.

A cow watering can from Grandpa and Grandma S. and some chalk.

Daddy read the card to her.

Checking out the Oreo cookie shape matching game.

Bubble bath!  (Which was quickly tried out by three kids at once!)

Mya figured out she likes this opening presents business!

A new sleeping bag and piggie pillow pet.

Pink cake, as ordered, and Pooh under an umbrella.

And then (the icing on the cake), she picks up her mess afterwards!

Such fun being the birthday girl!!
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