Saturday, December 25, 2010

Another one bites...

Nice homemade sticky buns made for Christmas morning--burnt to smithereens. To add insult to injury, I dropped them on their way out to the garage. The boiling syrup splashed under the fridge, and up the wall some. When it cooled, I had to chip it off the floor. It left some yellow stains. Nice. Remarkably similar to my September 30 blog post... Not sure what it is about that spot...
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Saturday, December 18, 2010

Ethan's birthday

Our little boy turns 4! I think he enjoyed it, what do you think?



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Alana writes herself reminder notes. These are two recent ones I found lying around. Aren't they great?
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Monday, December 13, 2010


So last Wednesday we decided it was time to tell the kids that we were expecting a baby. We had a colored egg hunt first. (Each egg had a clue about babies, the due date, etc.)
Here's Ethan pleased with his cache of eggs he found.
Next they opened them in a certain order, by color.
Alana was the first to guess that WE were going to have a baby. (Ethan was mostly insulted that he had a pacifier and a baby bottle in his eggs instead of something good like candy.)
Levi's reaction was priceless--"Really?! Why didn't you tell us?" The baby is due June 11, 2011, if all goes well.
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Saturday, December 4, 2010

Thanksgiving and Alana's birthday

Here's the whole Schelling clan and significant others.

Here are all the Schelling grandkids.

Miss Alana turned 7 on Thanksgiving Day!

Reading her card from Daddy and deciding which of the 7 restaurants she will choose to go on their date. She chose Russ' restaurant.)

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