Saturday, December 25, 2010

Another one bites...

Nice homemade sticky buns made for Christmas morning--burnt to smithereens. To add insult to injury, I dropped them on their way out to the garage. The boiling syrup splashed under the fridge, and up the wall some. When it cooled, I had to chip it off the floor. It left some yellow stains. Nice. Remarkably similar to my September 30 blog post... Not sure what it is about that spot...
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Saturday, December 18, 2010

Ethan's birthday

Our little boy turns 4! I think he enjoyed it, what do you think?



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Alana writes herself reminder notes. These are two recent ones I found lying around. Aren't they great?
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Monday, December 13, 2010


So last Wednesday we decided it was time to tell the kids that we were expecting a baby. We had a colored egg hunt first. (Each egg had a clue about babies, the due date, etc.)
Here's Ethan pleased with his cache of eggs he found.
Next they opened them in a certain order, by color.
Alana was the first to guess that WE were going to have a baby. (Ethan was mostly insulted that he had a pacifier and a baby bottle in his eggs instead of something good like candy.)
Levi's reaction was priceless--"Really?! Why didn't you tell us?" The baby is due June 11, 2011, if all goes well.
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Saturday, December 4, 2010

Thanksgiving and Alana's birthday

Here's the whole Schelling clan and significant others.

Here are all the Schelling grandkids.

Miss Alana turned 7 on Thanksgiving Day!

Reading her card from Daddy and deciding which of the 7 restaurants she will choose to go on their date. She chose Russ' restaurant.)

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Wednesday, November 17, 2010

We had yellow for supper...

This was totally not planned.
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Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Breakfast Burritos

Maybe you all already know about these, but these breakfast burritos are something I make a bunch of and freeze for a quick breakfast, lunch or whatever in between. Here's how to do it.
Start with a piece of freezer wrap. Then layer a tortilla, cheese(can be shredded), cooked bacon or sausage and scrambled eggs. (I cook the eggs so they're a tad undercooked.)
Then fold over one end and wrap it in the freezer wrap.
Then I like to tape the end shut so they don't unravel in the freezer. When you're ready to eat it, heat for around 1minute and 40 seconds. Sometimes the center isn't quite warm, so adjust. I find if you have time to let it thaw some or put it in the microwave at a lower power for longer time, it will heat nicely. These are delicious! I like to use spicy sausage and then when I eat it I douse it with hot sauce. Cures whatever ails you!!
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Thursday, October 28, 2010

Wind, Sand and Surf

My neighbor and I took our kids on an impromptu trip to Grand Haven yesterday to see how the waves looked with the high winds we were having. OH MY! Amazing!! It was blowing so hard, we could hardly stand up and we had to hang onto the kids. The sand was stinging our faces and entering every nook and cranny on our bodies. I didn't dare take my camera outside because it would be full of sand, so I snapped these pictures from inside the van. (We lasted only a couple of minutes outside anyway!)


The city was scooping sand drifts off the road so the road wouldn't get closed shut.


The pier was barely visible; it was totally awash in huge waves. One lone guy was foolish enough to try to surf these waves. Can't imagine the undertow!
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Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Some fall pictures of late

What a beautiful fall it has been--warm temps and gorgeous colors! Here's what fall looks like at the Schellings'.



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Saturday, October 9, 2010

Fly Fishing

John and I spent the day on the Muskegon River fly fishing. We saw a lot of salmon, but none were interested in joining us in the boat :-(. Nevertheless, John had two good fights with two different salmon and the fall colors were gorgeous. The 75 degree day was a bonus, too!



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Thursday, September 30, 2010

Monday, September 20, 2010

Blue Eyes

I like this picture, so I thunk I'd share it.
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Monday, September 13, 2010

Nature pics of late...

Odds and ends of pics from outside.



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Thursday, September 9, 2010

Sugar and spice and everything nice...

...that's what this little neighbor girl is made of.



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